Food Allergy

How Early Eczema Treatment May Help Slow the Allergic March

March 30, 2022

You may have noticed your child’s eczema, or atopic dermatitis, symptoms before — their skin is dry, itchy, red, and swollen. Scratching only seems to make symptoms worse and your kiddo more miserable. You’ve tried topical creams, ointments, and lotions, but for some reason the symptoms keep coming and going, leaving you stumped. It probably…

Read more about early eczema treatment…

What to Know About Personalized Sublingual Immunotherapy

February 16, 2022

Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. A majority of people avoid their allergens, manage their symptoms with temporary relief from over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medications, or just continue to suffer. Did you know there’s a personalized treatment to modify allergies and allergy-related chronic conditions beyond temporary relief? In this blog,…

Read more about personalized sublingual immunotherapy…

5 Steps for Safely Traveling with Food Allergies

January 5, 2022

Traveling can bring excitement, anxiety, and stress, whether you’re driving a short distance for the day or flying across the country for an extended business trip or vacation. Add food allergies to the mix and traveling can be overwhelming. Researching dining and flight options, communicating your allergies with others, remembering to pack important allergy-friendly items,…

Read more about traveling with food allergies…

Food Recalls and Undeclared Allergens: What You Need to Know

November 24, 2021

We’ve all heard about food recalls on the news — “food abc” recalled for undeclared allergens, “food xyz” recalled due to possible Salmonella contamination. As scary as they may sound, food recalls often get brushed to the side if it isn’t a food you eat or buy. An undeclared major food allergen, when a food…

What you need to know about food recalls and undeclared allergens

What Happens During an Allergic Reaction?

October 13, 2021

Are you one of the over 50 million Americans who experiences allergies each year? Signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from a bothersome stuffy/runny nose, sneezing, and itchy/watery eyes to a rash, difficulty swallowing and anaphylaxis. What actually happens during an allergic reaction? Is there a way to treat the cause? We’ll…

Learn about what happens during an allergic reaction…

Why it’s Important to Keep Taking Your Allergy Drops

September 15, 2021

Deciding to bite the bullet and treat the cause of your allergies instead of treating symptoms temporarily can seem like a big commitment. And while patients know the commitment when they begin allergy immunotherapy, many may experience reduced symptoms early on in treatment and are tempted to stop treatment before directed. Stopping immunotherapy (or any…

Read about the importance of taking your allergy drops…

Sesame Allergy? Relief on the Horizon with New Label Requirements

July 21, 2021

The Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research (FASTER) Act was signed into law on April 23, 2021, making sesame the 9th major U.S. allergen. The Act should help bring relief to the approximately 1.6 million Americans with sesame allergy. Food makers are required to clearly label sesame on food packages beginning Jan. 1, 2023.2…

Read more about sesame allergy…

Keep the Fourth of July Allergy-Friendly

June 23, 2021

It’s all fun and games (and barbecues and boating) until your allergies kick in and put a pause on your Fourth of July celebrations. Whether you struggle with food or environmental allergies, there are steps you can take to help steer clear of reactions during the upcoming holiday weekend. Avoid environmental triggers In early July,…

Learn how to keep July 4th allergy-friendly…

The Rundown on Peanut Allergy

April 28, 2021

One of the most talked about food allergies is peanut. Though not the most common food allergy, it’s the most common food associated with severe allergic reactions – so it’s an important one to be educated on. Consider this overview on peanut allergy: from symptoms, diagnosis, and avoiding peanuts, to options for treating the cause.…

Read this overview on peanut allergy…

Round Up: National Nutrition Month

March 16, 2021

March is National Nutrition Month — which highlights important topics for everyone. Adequate nutrition is critical to all, but for those with limited diets due to food allergy, it can be more of a challenge to meet. There are also so many different layers to staying safe that need to be considered when it comes…

Read more about National Nutrition Month...