Food Allergy

Snack Smarter with These Top 8 Allergen-Free Recipes

April 15, 2020

Are you feeling overwhelmed when it comes to finding healthy snacks that are also free of the top eight food allergens? Especially in a time where supplies are limited, and going to the grocery store is not as openly available, it can be challenging and frustrating to find healthy, food allergy safe snacks. Making your…

Check out these allergen-free recipes...

Keep Holidays Safe For Those With Food Allergies

December 11, 2019

Most holiday events seem to be centered around food – baking, gathering for a meal, holiday potlucks and more. When your child has food allergy, it can make these “supposed to be fun” events pretty scary. The food allergy conversation can be awkward. You don’t want to be confrontational, but you understand the importance of…

Learn how to keep holidays safe for those with food allergies…

New Job, New Allergies: Common Workplace Allergens

November 12, 2019

In a recent blog, we dove into adult onset allergies and discovered that there is no proven reason (yet!) as to why allergies suddenly appear in adulthood. Dr. Mary Morris, Allergychoices Medical Advisor, and a lead author of the La Crosse Method™ Protocol, had a few ideas as to why this may be happening, one being…

Read more about common workplace allergens…

Flu Vaccine FAQs: Asthma and Food Allergy Edition

October 16, 2019

Flu season is here! If you haven’t already received your flu shot, know you can hurry to your pharmacy or primary care provider to get yours as soon as possible — even those with asthma and food allergies can safely get the flu shot. Dr. Sumona Kabir, allergist at Allergy Associates of La Crosse, answers…

Read more about the flu vaccine…

Food Allergy or Oral Allergy Syndrome? Learn the Difference.

September 18, 2019

Food allergies are a buzzworthy topic and lately, they’ve been front page news. This media coverage spreads both awareness and fear, making people  more aware of what they’re eating and how it makes them feel. Mouth itching and tingling can be due to two different allergy-related conditions. Before you self-diagnose or avoid food groups altogether,…

Learn the difference between food allergy and oral allergy syndrome…

Avoiding Cross Contact and its Severe Side Effects

August 21, 2019

Those with food allergies understand that when it comes to reactions, there is danger in many situations outside of simply eating their allergen. For those with a peanut allergy, there’s concern of peanut being hidden in a potluck dish or school birthday treat. There’s worry of peanut being in a restaurant prepared dish. There’s the…

Read more about avoiding cross contact…

What’s the Deal With Adult Onset Allergies?

August 7, 2019

One out of four adults with food allergy had their first reaction as an adult, recent studies show. Why do allergies suddenly show up in adults? It’s one mystery in allergy that still needs to be solved. Dr. Mary Morris, Allergychoices Medical Advisor, partner at Allergy Associates of La Crosse and a lead author of the La Crosse…

Read more about adult onset allergies…

Save Money While Grocery Shopping with Food Allergies

May 1, 2019

How much money do you spend on food each year when living with a food allergy? According to a study conducted by food allergy researcher Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH, and her colleagues, food allergy diagnosis has a major economic impact on families. The highest proportion of direct-out of pocket costs stem from the cost of…

Learn how to save money while grocery shopping with food allergies…

Food Allergy Tools Worth Exploring

April 3, 2019

Managing a food allergy is difficult, especially when first diagnosed. Leaning in to friends, family, and support groups is an awesome support, but what about food allergy tools online? We put together information on three that are worth exploring, Allergy Eats, My Teal Ticket and Spokin! Check them out. Allergy Eats Food allergies shouldn’t prevent…

Check out these food allergy tools worth exploring…

Replacing Lost Nutrients Due to Food Allergies

March 6, 2019

Many people mistake a food intolerance for a food allergy. For those with diagnosed food allergy, contact with a certain protein causes the body to produce an immunoglobulin E antibody (IgE), which can result in a variety of symptoms. The majority of food allergy diagnoses require complete avoidance of foods containing the allergen. A food…

Learn about replacing lost nutrients if you have food allergies…