Allergy Drops for Mold: Treatment

Wet and humid weather provides the perfect conditions for mold growth, both indoors and out. With extreme moisture from floods throughout many parts of the country, the presence of mold is high with many allergy sufferers experiencing strong symptoms.

While mold allergy treatment begins by reducing mold sources and exposure, sublingual immunotherapy, or allergy drops, for mold allergy can be used to safely reduce allergic sensitization and build tolerance over time to decrease, or even eliminate, reactions to mold.

Many homes have identifiable mold growth. Conditions such as poor ventilation, leaky pipes, flooding, faulty construction, and/or lack of air conditioning can increase moisture and promote mold growth indoors. Mold allergy treatment should first begin with reducing mold exposure by removing mold sources, decreasing humidity, and increasing ventilation.

Outdoors, molds are everywhere in organic material and become easily airborne. While mold exposure is universal, symptoms depend on your sensitivity to mold, your exposure to mold, and whether you may be sensitive to other allergens.

Mold allergy symptoms include:

  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Hives
  • Asthma
  • Delayed symptoms including
    • Chronic congestion
    • Recurrent sinusitis
    • Eczema
    • Headache
    • Malaise and fatigue

Allergy drop therapy for mold allergy is used to minimize initial allergic sensitization and build tolerance over time. Allergy drops are customized with allergy antigens specific to what an individual patient is determined to be allergic to with no added “extras.” The treatment level is also tailored to patients’ skin or blood test results to deliver an amount that is therapeutically beneficial without increasing risk of reactions and unnecessary costs.

Allergy drop therapy for mold allergy is more than just symptom management. The benefits can include:
  • Decreased need for ongoing allergy medications
  • Increased tolerance to mold
  • Reduce the amount and type of allergic reactions
  • Improved quality of life
  • May stop the progression of the “atopic march,” which can lead to asthma and other allergy-related conditions in young children

Heightened mold counts also tend to surface at the height of ragweed season. This “one-two punch” can create added issues for those with allergies to both, and can be dangerous for asthmatic patients, leading to one of the worst times of the year for strong reactions. Addressing them now can make future seasons easier to tolerate and reduce the risk for reactions later on.

One of the issues with treating mold is first getting accurate diagnosis. Initial skin test reactions may not show the true level of sensitivity. Monitoring for delayed reactions a few days following tests can be important for accurate diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

If you suspect molds are a problem, talk to your doctor about testing and how you can treat the cause safely, effectively and conveniently.

By Beth Davidson, Allergychoices