Environmental Allergies

Is Mold Extending Your Allergy Season Symptoms?

July 17, 2024

You know you’re allergic to ragweed, so why do your symptoms continue through the winter when ragweed is dead? Most people are allergic to more than one thing, and mold could be the allergen that makes your typical seasonal symptoms drag on for longer than expected. With indoor and outdoor mold, symptoms can last year-round,…

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Weather Patterns That Affect Summer Allergies

May 21, 2024

Pollen season is here, and you may notice that some days are worse than others for your symptoms. There are many factors that can lead to your fluctuating symptoms, and weather patterns may be an important one. Wind, rain, and extreme heat can send your symptoms swirling – this blog explains why. Wind You feel…

Learn how weather patterns can affect your summer allergy symptoms...

How To Document Your Allergy Symptoms

May 7, 2024

Before you complete allergy testing, your allergy clinician may ask for you to document your symptoms — and there are many different ways to do it. Providing timelines, photos, and food journals can help your clinician determine what you should be tested for, and this blog gives pointers for documenting your allergies most effectively. Timelines…

Learn how to document your allergy symptoms...

Spring Allergy Outlook for 2024

April 10, 2024

With bizarre weather sweeping the country this winter – monsoon-level rains, a warm February, huge snowstorms, even winter tornadoes – it can be hard to predict what spring has in store for us this year. Those with spring allergies may also be wondering what they can expect for symptoms given the winter weather. Allergy season…

Get the spring allergy outlook for this year...

Why Gardening Makes You Sick

March 27, 2024

A favorite pastime can become a chore when it leaves you feeling sick and foggy. Many people with allergies struggle with gardening because of the direct contact with their problem allergens and extended time outside, but there are a few options to help combat symptoms and bring the joy back to gardening. Direct Contact with…

Learn how to bring back the fun of gardening...

What You Need to Know About Candida Allergy

March 13, 2024

Before we get started, you may be simply wondering: what is candida? Valid question. Candida albicans is a healthy yeast that grows in nearly everyone. It’s typically harmless and grows on mucous membranes in the sinuses, throat, intestine, and genital tract. The only time it becomes a little more harmful than harmless is when individuals…

Learn about candida overgrowth and allergy...

Fighting Allergies? Find Out What’s in Bloom Near You

February 28, 2024

Allergy is one of those illnesses that people glaze over — knowing it’s something that just happens each year around a certain time. Allergychoices created a new tool that outlines which allergens cause symptoms during each month, separated by regions of the U.S. Learn more about how allergen seasons differ from state to state, and…

Learn about pollen seasons...

How Can I Reduce My Allergies Naturally?

January 30, 2024

In 2024, people are questioning all the products, supplements, and medications they use daily, and for good reason. There are apps to scan skin care products for ingredients, labels claiming “sulfate free,” and ever-changing food ingredient labels. It’s smart to examine the medications you take every day, or every season, and see if there are…

Learn how to reduce your allergies natually...

3 Ways to Prioritize Your Allergy Health This New Year

January 3, 2024

It’s a new year, and a time to think about what you really want for the twelve months ahead. Getting healthier is usually top of mind, so why not consider how you can prioritize your health — specifically, reducing or eliminating your allergy symptoms — this year? By getting to the cause of your allergies,…

Learn about eliminating your allergy symptoms...

Allergy-Conscious Gifts for Hosts

November 22, 2023

This time of year, people are going house-to-house for gatherings of friends, family, and coworkers, and it’s always thoughtful to bring the host a small gift. There are so many options out there, but some may not be ideal for those with allergies or asthma. Here are a few things to avoid and alternative ideas…

Read about holiday gifts to avoid for those dealing with allergies...