Allergic Conditions

Is Your Chronic Vaginitis an Allergic Reaction?

July 3, 2024

Allergy can have an underlying effect on many conditions — and one that is not often discussed or understood is chronic vaginitis. But how can the two be connected? The vaginal mucosa has a lot of similarities to the sinuses and nasal passages, where typical allergic reactions manifest. Some women, when exposed to their problem…

Learn about the allergy / chronic vaginitis connection…

Summer Sports with Allergic Asthma

June 19, 2024

Outdoor sports are the heart and soul of so many kids’ summers. Those with allergic asthma have a few more challenges with these sports than others, as most are outdoors and amid peak allergy seasons. Here are a few tips for making summer sports safe and fun for kids with allergic asthma. Talk With Coaches…

Learn a few tips for making summer sports safe and fun for kids with allergic asthma...

How To Document Your Allergy Symptoms

May 7, 2024

Before you complete allergy testing, your allergy clinician may ask for you to document your symptoms — and there are many different ways to do it. Providing timelines, photos, and food journals can help your clinician determine what you should be tested for, and this blog gives pointers for documenting your allergies most effectively. Timelines…

Learn how to document your allergy symptoms...

Am I Too Old for Allergy Treatment?

April 23, 2024

You’re never too old to try new things — and that includes allergy treatment. It’s a common misconception that only children and young adults can benefit from treatment, when there is truly no “bad” or “wrong” time to retrain your body to not react to problematic allergens. Read on to learn about adult-onset allergies and…

Understand how age factors into allergy treatment...

Spring Allergy Outlook for 2024

April 10, 2024

With bizarre weather sweeping the country this winter – monsoon-level rains, a warm February, huge snowstorms, even winter tornadoes – it can be hard to predict what spring has in store for us this year. Those with spring allergies may also be wondering what they can expect for symptoms given the winter weather. Allergy season…

Get the spring allergy outlook for this year...

Why Gardening Makes You Sick

March 27, 2024

A favorite pastime can become a chore when it leaves you feeling sick and foggy. Many people with allergies struggle with gardening because of the direct contact with their problem allergens and extended time outside, but there are a few options to help combat symptoms and bring the joy back to gardening. Direct Contact with…

Learn how to bring back the fun of gardening...

What You Need to Know About Candida Allergy

March 13, 2024

Before we get started, you may be simply wondering: what is candida? Valid question. Candida albicans is a healthy yeast that grows in nearly everyone. It’s typically harmless and grows on mucous membranes in the sinuses, throat, intestine, and genital tract. The only time it becomes a little more harmful than harmless is when individuals…

Learn about candida overgrowth and allergy...

Excuses for NOT Starting Allergy Treatment (and reasons to start)

February 14, 2024

Besides all the reasons we share for why people start allergy drop treatment following the La Crosse Method™ Protocol — we hear a few common reasons of why people DON’T start treatment over and over. Here are the three of the most common, and why you should think twice about delaying treatment. 1. “My symptoms…

Learn why you should start allergy treatment...

Winter with Eczema: How to Cope

January 17, 2024

During winter, eczema is one of those conditions — like the cold and flu — that you just keep hearing about. Learn more about the cause of eczema, why it can be worse in the winter, and how you can treat it. What Is Eczema? Eczema is a group of conditions that cause irritated skin,…

Learn about immunotherapy to treat eczema...

3 Ways to Prioritize Your Allergy Health This New Year

January 3, 2024

It’s a new year, and a time to think about what you really want for the twelve months ahead. Getting healthier is usually top of mind, so why not consider how you can prioritize your health — specifically, reducing or eliminating your allergy symptoms — this year? By getting to the cause of your allergies,…

Learn about eliminating your allergy symptoms...