
Just a Mosquito Bite, or Something Worse?

August 17, 2022

With summer upon us, unfortunately, pesky mosquitoes come with the beautiful weather and fun. For many of us, mosquito bites are an inconvenience that doesn’t alter our lives. If we can resist the urge to itch and scratch, the bite goes away on its own. But for some, mosquito bites are much more miserable and…

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Essential School Supplies for Children With Allergies And Asthma

August 3, 2022

For many parents, sending their allergic or asthmatic children back to school can be a nightmare. It can trigger worry of your child’s safety as they are exposed to an environment with many different substances that could potentially harm them. That’s why we put together a list of essential school supplies your allergic child should…

Read more about supplies for children with allergies & asthma…

Going Back to School with Food Allergies

July 20, 2022

Sending your child with food allergies anywhere without you can cause worry. Will they eat something that contains their allergen? What if they’re accidentally exposed? When you go into new situations, like back to school, with a plan — it can help relieve some of that anxiety. For your child’s safety, there are a few…

Read more about going back to school with food allergies…

4 Major Reasons to Consider Immunotherapy

July 6, 2022

At what point do you move from temporarily managing your allergy symptoms with over-the-counter solutions, to treating the cause — often for good — with immunotherapy? And what are the benefits? We’ll dive into the four major reasons people consider sublingual immunotherapy (also known as allergy drops), and why it’s beneficial for those with chronic…

Read more about why you should consider immunotherapy…

Direct Primary Care Provider Finds Patient Success with Allergychoices

June 22, 2022

Since 2000, Allergychoices has supported providers from every corner of the country with offering sublingual immunotherapy — a disease modifying allergy treatment. Each provider has their own story about offering this treatment, with personal anecdotes of how it has ultimately impacted both practice and patients. Amber Beckenhauer, DO, added allergy testing and sublingual immunotherapy to…

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Choosing an Allergy-Safe Sunscreen

June 8, 2022

There is a familiar, tropical, smell that comes to mind when you think back on beach days or soccer games in the middle of the summer — the sweet smell of sunscreen. Are you using allergy-safe sunscreen? For those with allergies and eczema, sunscreen is just another product that should be thoroughly examined and tested…

Read more about choosing an allergy-safe sunscreen…

Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance: What’s the Difference?

May 25, 2022

The difference between a food intolerance and food allergies can be confusing. Find out what causes symptoms, what symptoms look like, diagnostic processes, and how allergy drop immunotherapy can treat the cause of food allergy. What is a food intolerance? A food intolerance can occur from a variety of causes including a missing enzyme needed to digest food,…

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Could Your Heartburn & Reflux Symptoms be Allergy?

May 11, 2022

As if sneezing and itching wasn’t enough, some people experience heartburn symptoms due to their environmental and/or food allergies. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) might be to blame. It can be allergy-related, but mainly causes reactions that impact your digestive system. The first official EoE diagnosis was in the 1990s, but there’s been an increase in diagnoses and ongoing research…

Read more about reflux and allergy…

3 Reasons Employers Add Custom Allergy Treatment to Their Health Plans

April 27, 2022

From a patient’s perspective, it’s simple to see why treating the cause of allergies is beneficial. But how does an employer benefit? Why would an employer want to offer disease-modifying allergy treatment, and what does their return on investment look like? Though this often looks different from employer to employer, three main reasons seem to…

Read more about why employers add custom allergy treatment to their health plans…