Seasonal Allergies

How To Create an Allergy-Free, At-Home Workspace

April 1, 2020

The spread of COVID-19 has led many industries to quickly change how they operate. Essential businesses have adjusted their everyday practices to accommodate the most vulnerable populations. For many, this means employees work from home, switch to virtual meetings and adjust to a new work-life balance. As you get used to your new workspace, your…

Read how to create an allergy-free, at-home workspace…

What’s the Difference Between Cold, Flu and Allergies?

February 5, 2020

The different illnesses that run rampant this time of year make any public space a danger zone. Don’t touch the shopping cart, do sanitize your work space, and wash your hands often – avoidance is key. But knowing what you, and those around you, are sick with can help you fight back and know your…

Learn the difference between cold, flu and allergies…

Sinusitis: Breaking the Antibiotic Cycle

November 27, 2019

Sinus pressure, headaches, postnasal drip, congestion and cough are key indicators of sinusitis, and without proper treatment, symptoms can go on for weeks – and sometimes indefinitely. For those with chronic sinusitis, the treatment plan is traditionally one antibiotic after another, and many experience minimal relief. Before taking another pill, consider the difference between relieving…

Learn about breaking the antibiotic cycle…

Allergy Treatment for the Frequent Flyer

October 30, 2019

These days, it’s unusual to NOT be on the go. Vacationers, college kids, those who travel for work, snow birds — it’s common to be somewhere one week, another place the next. For those with allergies, treating the cause with traditional methods can be difficult, requiring frequent office visits and doctor check ins. Allergy drops…

Read more about allergy treatment for the frequent flyer…

Food Allergy or Oral Allergy Syndrome? Learn the Difference.

September 18, 2019

Food allergies are a buzzworthy topic and lately, they’ve been front page news. This media coverage spreads both awareness and fear, making people  more aware of what they’re eating and how it makes them feel. Mouth itching and tingling can be due to two different allergy-related conditions. Before you self-diagnose or avoid food groups altogether,…

Learn the difference between food allergy and oral allergy syndrome…

What’s the Deal With Adult Onset Allergies?

August 7, 2019

One out of four adults with food allergy had their first reaction as an adult, recent studies show. Why do allergies suddenly show up in adults? It’s one mystery in allergy that still needs to be solved. Dr. Mary Morris, Allergychoices Medical Advisor, partner at Allergy Associates of La Crosse and a lead author of the La Crosse…

Read more about adult onset allergies…

20 Billion Reasons to Start Treating the Cause of Allergies

June 11, 2019

And no, that’s not an exaggeration. The top 200 medications, in terms of retail sales, were recently released for 2018. While the medications on this list treat a wide variety of conditions – from diabetes to cystic fibrosis – allergy made a not-so-surprising appearance on the list. Nine of the medications on the list, totaling…

Learn how treating allergy can help save your business money...

How much are you spending on your seasonal allergies?

May 15, 2019

You stayed on budget on your spring break trip. No home improvement projects. No shopping sprees.  Where did your money disappear to this spring? Environmental allergies are more than a nuisance; they’re costly. Below are five allergy-related costs you may have contributed to this spring. Over the counter (OTC) products After a few days of…

Better understand what you’re spending on allergies…

Pink Eye or Allergies?

April 17, 2019

Whether it’s itching, burning, or redness, eye irritation is just that — irritating. Understanding what’s causing your symptoms can help you calm the redness and get back to seeing clearly. We’ve outlined the difference between pink eye and allergies, two common causes of eye irritation. Pink eye Cause: Virus or bacteria Contagious: Yes Symptoms: Pus…

Learn the differences between pink eye and allergies…

What’s keeping you up at night? It could be allergy.

December 12, 2018

Sleep: It’s an essential part of life. In fact, we spend one third of our lives sleeping. Our circadian rhythm, also known as the sleep-wake cycle, is the internal 24 hour cycle which tells our bodies when to sleep, wake and eat. This cycle regulates many biological processes and if disrupted, our sleeping and eating…

Better understand if allergy is keeping you up at night…