Seasonal Allergies

Spring Allergy Outlook for 2024

April 10, 2024

With bizarre weather sweeping the country this winter – monsoon-level rains, a warm February, huge snowstorms, even winter tornadoes – it can be hard to predict what spring has in store for us this year. Those with spring allergies may also be wondering what they can expect for symptoms given the winter weather. Allergy season…

Get the spring allergy outlook for this year...

Why Gardening Makes You Sick

March 27, 2024

A favorite pastime can become a chore when it leaves you feeling sick and foggy. Many people with allergies struggle with gardening because of the direct contact with their problem allergens and extended time outside, but there are a few options to help combat symptoms and bring the joy back to gardening. Direct Contact with…

Learn how to bring back the fun of gardening...

3 Ways to Prioritize Your Allergy Health This New Year

January 3, 2024

It’s a new year, and a time to think about what you really want for the twelve months ahead. Getting healthier is usually top of mind, so why not consider how you can prioritize your health — specifically, reducing or eliminating your allergy symptoms — this year? By getting to the cause of your allergies,…

Learn about eliminating your allergy symptoms...
Woman holding allergy drop bottle

Is Sublingual Immunotherapy Effective?

August 4, 2023

Yes! Patient studies show that allergy drops, or sublingual immunotherapy following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol, are effective in reducing — or eliminating — allergy symptoms. Sublingual immunotherapy can also be effective in treating allergy-related conditions like asthma, eczema, headaches, and other illnesses that are negatively impacted by allergy. The goal for treating environmental allergies…

Learn how effective allergy drops can be...
Hourglass with blue sand

Do You Have to Take Allergy Drops Forever?

August 4, 2023

For most patients, you should not have to take allergy drops forever. Personalized allergy drop immunotherapy following the La Crosse Method™ Protocol is meant to be a short-term therapy with long-lasting effects. What does that mean? Allergy drop immunotherapy is a custom treatment that contains precise amounts of the allergens that you’re allergic to. Over…

Learn how long you need to take allergy drops...
Drawing of the sun in beach sand with flip flops

Ways to Avoid Summer Allergy Irritants

June 7, 2023

Nothing can put a damper on summer fun quite like allergies — as soon as symptoms hit, you’re at a standstill until you get them under control. Summer comes with more than the typical seasonal sniffles because other irritants — like insect bites, chlorine, sunscreen, and smoke from campfires and grills — are everywhere. In…

Learn how to cope with summer allergies
A young man and woman setting up a tent while camping

Prep for Camping During Allergy Season

May 24, 2023

With camping comes near-constant exposure to environmental allergies. If you’re tent camping, or have open windows in your camper, you’re breathing in allergens 24/7 — which can irritate even avid outdoor enthusiasts with allergies. Below are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare for your next camping trip. Pre-Treat You may not…

Check out camping tips...

Could Where You Live Impact Your Allergies?

October 26, 2022

Millions of Americans suffer from spring and fall allergies every year. Many haven’t considered the area they live in and how it contributes to their allergy symptoms. The AAFA’s yearly Allergy Capitals™ report identifies which cities are the most challenging to live in with seasonal allergies. The report considers these factors: Spring pollen scores Fall…

Read more about the Allergy Capitals™ report…

Do Your Allergies Seem to Bud with the Trees?

March 16, 2022

If you’re ready for a cold and snowy winter season to end (we may be biased here in the Midwest!), there’s nothing quite like the thought of spring, budding trees, blooming flowers, the first robin sighting, and hope for warmer days ahead. But, with budding trees comes the start of “hay fever” season. Tree pollen…

Read more about tree allergies…

Are You Missing Out On This Seasonal Allergy Treatment?

March 2, 2022

Seasons change… Trees and flowers start budding to form colorful landscapes. Green-leafed trees change into a rainbow of fall colors. Those fall colors turn into a winter wonderland. Sounds pretty, right? What isn’t pretty — the misery that seasonal allergies often bring. Even though allergies cause problems year round, a number of environmental allergens “peak”…

Read more about seasonal allergy treatment…