Welcome to Allergychoices' bi-monthly blog. Our blog posts fall into several categories: Allergic Conditions, Allergy Control Program, Allergy-Friendly Holidays, Environmental Allergies, Food Allergy, La Crosse Method Protocol, Nutrition/Wellness, Pediatric Allergy, Sublingual Immunotherapy. Or you can see the most recent posts below...
Beware of 5 Spooky Halloween Costume Allergic Reactions
For most kids, Halloween equals costumes and candy. But for those with allergies, both can become a huge hazard. With so much candy around, generally allergy and Halloween information revolves around the fear of accidental exposure to food allergens, but costumes can become an allergic issue, too. Here are five things to keep in mind…
Read about allergic reactions to costumes...Epinephrine Auto-Injectors for Outsiders
When I volunteered at a camp, a 7-year-old gave me her backpack and she went to play with the other kids in bouncy houses and on playgrounds. This backpack held the daunting EpiPen, and I felt a lot of pressure, holding this lifesaving responsibility on my back. If the unfortunate situation of an allergic reaction…
Learn tips for auto epinephrine injectors…Top 3 Characteristics to Look for in an Allergist
Dr. George Kroker is a partner at Allergy Associates of La Crosse, a co-author of the La Crosse Method™ Protocol, and has been practicing allergy for 38 years. During his time as an allergist, he’s not only helped thousands of people overcome their allergies, but has done so while practicing kindness and compassion along the…
Learn what to look for in an Allergist…Rain, Rain, Go Away!
It’s gloomy, it can be loud, and it can ramp up your allergy and asthma symptoms. While damp conditions seem to be favorable for people with pollen allergy, a strong rain storm can actually shake up symptoms. If you experience strong allergy and asthma symptoms after a storm, you’re not alone – it’s a real allergy…
Learn how rain is helpful to those with allergies…Decrease Allergies and Increase Productivity in the Classroom
“Are you ready to go back to school?” Depending on whom you ask — and, maybe, the age of the student — you’ll likely get a different response. Younger kids may squeal with excitement while the teens groan, wishing for an endless summer. With the rise of allergy, both environmental and food, students and parents…
Learn about allergies in the classroom…Does SLIT impact asthma? New review indicates yes.
Big news for sublingual immunotherapy came in the form of a comparative effectiveness review recently. A group of allergy researchers compared 31 subcutaneous immunotherapy studies, 18 sublingual immunotherapy studies, and 5 combined studies “to assess the efficacy and safety of immunotherapy for treating allergic asthma.” The results showed that overall, immunotherapy is a valid treatment…
Learn how allergy drops impact asthma…What Does “May Contain” Really Mean for Food Labeling?
Somewhere between vague and confusing is a food label stating “may contain.” For people with food allergy, knowing if those crackers or that cake contain their allergen is nonnegotiable. So what’s up with the indistinct labels and confusing language? Emily Melby, RDN, at Allergy Associates of La Crosse, explains where this label came from, what…
Learn about food labels...Allergy Can Take the Beauty Out of Beauty Products
The products we use to beautify ourselves cause reactions for many people, leaving them with red, raised skin – a bit counteractive, if you ask me. Beauty products such as shampoo, mascara, lotion, perfume, and eye shadow can all contribute to itching, scratching and even sneezing for people who are “allergic to makeup.” While some…
Learn about allergic reactions to makeup…Hypoallergenic pets — is that really a thing?
Hypoallergenic has been defined as “designed to reduce or minimize the possibility of an allergic response; as by containing relatively few or no potentially irritating substances.” In some products, like fragrances or make up, this label is easily understood, but it’s not as easy to comprehend when it comes to animals. Can a dog be…
Learn why there is no such thing as hypoallergenic pets…