Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Sinusitis

There are a few lucky people who experience sinusitis once and never again, but for many, it’s a recurring problem. The only way to break the cycle of chronic sinusitis is to determine the cause and treat that – and for about 80% of people, the cause is allergy.
The symptoms of sinusitis can vary depending on the person and the severity of the infection, but symptoms can include:
- Facial pressure (especially around upper cheeks and nose)
- Headache
- Fever
- Postnasal drip and/or green or gray nasal discharge
- Congestion
- Cough
- Dental pain
Because of the persistent pressure in the sinuses, you can feel the effects for weeks on end. Without finding the true cause, it’s hard to find lasting relief for your symptoms.
There are a few different causes of sinusitis, including bacteria, viruses, and allergy. Most often, providers hear the symptoms of sinusitis and prescribe an antibiotic to clear up symptoms – but for most sinusitis cases, this treatment won’t be effective.
That’s because recent studies have shown that 80% of sinusitis cases are caused by allergy, and antibiotics are not an effective treatment for allergy. Mold was the number one culprit for causing sinusitis, and because mold thrives year-round, it can cause sinusitis bouts throughout the entire year.
When allergy is the cause of sinusitis, it occurs because the problem allergen (like mold) is inhaled, and the body responds by releasing histamine into the body. The release of histamine can cause a variety of different allergy symptoms, like itching, sneezing, coughing, congestion. It can also lead to inflammation in the sinuses, which brings on sinusitis.
Treating the root cause of sinusitis can reduce medication and antibiotic use and can help to avoid costly surgeries. Knowing the prevalence of allergy-related cases, looking into allergy may be a good place to start.
Start with allergy testing – either a skin or blood test – to determine exactly how sensitive you are to environmental allergens. These results, along with a thorough history and exam, will narrow down your problematic allergens.
Your provider may then recommend allergy immunotherapy, and Allergychoices advocates for allergy drops following The La Crosse Method™ Protocol. This immunotherapy safely delivers tiny amounts of your problematic allergens via a liquid drop taken under the tongue. They’re custom to each patient and are strong enough to help build tolerance, but not too strong to cause unnecessary reactions.
Over time, the strength of allergens in the drops are increased, so that the body learns to tolerate more of the things that make you sick. This tolerance can help you say goodbye to seasonal allergy sniffles and itching, as well as cases of sinusitis due to allergy.
Find a provider near you that offers testing and treatment following The La Crosse Method to reduce chronic sinusitis and start feeling better.