
Is Mold Extending Your Allergy Season Symptoms?

July 17, 2024

You know you’re allergic to ragweed, so why do your symptoms continue through the winter when ragweed is dead? Most people are allergic to more than one thing, and mold could be the allergen that makes your typical seasonal symptoms drag on for longer than expected. With indoor and outdoor mold, symptoms can last year-round,…

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Fighting Allergies? Find Out What’s in Bloom Near You

February 28, 2024

Allergy is one of those illnesses that people glaze over — knowing it’s something that just happens each year around a certain time. Allergychoices created a new tool that outlines which allergens cause symptoms during each month, separated by regions of the U.S. Learn more about how allergen seasons differ from state to state, and…

Learn about pollen seasons...
Woman taking a dose of allergy drops

What is sublingual immunotherapy?

June 29, 2023

Sublingual immunotherapy, also known as allergy drops, is a form of disease-modifying allergy treatment similar to allergy shots. Instead of a shot, sublingual immunotherapy works as a liquid drop that is placed under the tongue. Sublingual: applied under the tongue Immunotherapy: therapy that uses substances to stimulate or suppress the immune system to help the…

Learn what allergy drops are...
Young woman taking her allergy drop prescription

Do Allergy Drops Work?

May 16, 2023

Allergy drops work as a disease-modifying treatment for allergies. With allergy drops following the La Crosse Method™ Protocol, you get a personalized treatment based on the specific substances allergy test show you’re allergic to. Over a typical three to five years of treatment, the body is trained to tolerate problem allergies, so it no longer…

See how effective allergy drops can be...

4 Major Reasons to Consider Immunotherapy

July 6, 2022

At what point do you move from temporarily managing your allergy symptoms with over-the-counter solutions, to treating the cause — often for good — with immunotherapy? And what are the benefits? We’ll dive into the four major reasons people consider sublingual immunotherapy (also known as allergy drops), and why it’s beneficial for those with chronic…

Read more about why you should consider immunotherapy…

What to Know About Personalized Sublingual Immunotherapy

February 16, 2022

Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. A majority of people avoid their allergens, manage their symptoms with temporary relief from over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medications, or just continue to suffer. Did you know there’s a personalized treatment to modify allergies and allergy-related chronic conditions beyond temporary relief? In this blog,…

Read more about personalized sublingual immunotherapy…

Are You Missing the Allergic Connection? Look Below the Surface

September 30, 2020

You know the saying “it’s just the tip of the iceberg” – have you ever thought of it in terms of allergy? About one in five people have allergies, but only a portion of them have the typical allergy symptoms – itching, sneezing, and runny nose – that are associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Many…

Read more about the allergic iceberg…

Sinusitis: Breaking the Antibiotic Cycle

November 27, 2019

Sinus pressure, headaches, postnasal drip, congestion and cough are key indicators of sinusitis, and without proper treatment, symptoms can go on for weeks – and sometimes indefinitely. For those with chronic sinusitis, the treatment plan is traditionally one antibiotic after another, and many experience minimal relief. Before taking another pill, consider the difference between relieving…

Learn about breaking the antibiotic cycle…

An Allergy to Fungus Could be Causing Your Chronic Sinusitis

January 24, 2018

As if typical cold symptoms aren’t bothersome enough, some people feel facial pressure, general pain and additional mucus due to sinusitis. Unfortunately, while many patients do have a sinus infection, the cause is often misjudged and therefore the treatment prescribed is not effective. Research has found that allergy is to blame in a large percentage…

Learn about the connection between chronic sinusitis and allergy…