Summer Allergy

Choosing An Allergy and Asthma-Friendly Overnight Camp

June 5, 2024

It’s summer camp season! Just because your child has allergies or asthma doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the magic of camp and the lifelong memories that come with it. This blog gives a few items to consider when choosing a camp – with summer allergies and asthma in mind. Cabins There is nothing like the…

Get tips for choosing an allergy-friendly summer camp...

Weather Patterns That Affect Summer Allergies

May 21, 2024

Pollen season is here, and you may notice that some days are worse than others for your symptoms. There are many factors that can lead to your fluctuating symptoms, and weather patterns may be an important one. Wind, rain, and extreme heat can send your symptoms swirling – this blog explains why. Wind You feel…

Learn how weather patterns can affect your summer allergy symptoms...

Fighting Allergies? Find Out What’s in Bloom Near You

February 28, 2024

Allergy is one of those illnesses that people glaze over — knowing it’s something that just happens each year around a certain time. Allergychoices created a new tool that outlines which allergens cause symptoms during each month, separated by regions of the U.S. Learn more about how allergen seasons differ from state to state, and…

Learn about pollen seasons...

Oral Allergy Syndrome with Ragweed Allergies

August 31, 2022

Ragweed is one of the most bothersome environmental allergies — and that’s because such a large amount of pollen circulates through the air at one given time. Some people with a ragweed allergy might experience additional symptoms, but only when eating raw produce. Why is that? Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS). What is Oral Allergy Syndrome?…

Read more about Oral Allergy Syndrome with ragweed allergies…

Do Your Allergies Seem to Bud with the Trees?

March 16, 2022

If you’re ready for a cold and snowy winter season to end (we may be biased here in the Midwest!), there’s nothing quite like the thought of spring, budding trees, blooming flowers, the first robin sighting, and hope for warmer days ahead. But, with budding trees comes the start of “hay fever” season. Tree pollen…

Read more about tree allergies…

Earth Day: Climate Change and Your Allergies

April 14, 2021

Earth Day is a great opportunity to reflect on our planet and what we can do to make it better. Climate change is a popular topic, especially on and around Earth Day — and it may impact your allergies more than you think. A 20-year study looked at how environmental allergy seasons are impacted by…

Read more about climate change and your allergies…

Stop Being Bugged by Insect Allergies

August 19, 2020

Most insects do more good than harm, but those who have an insect allergy may beg to differ. A simple exposure could be dangerous or even deadly to those with an allergy to mosquito, fire ant, or cockroach. Is there a way to treat the cause, or is avoidance the only option? This blog dives…

Read more about insect allergies…

5 Reasons You May Struggle Through Grass Allergies

May 13, 2020

Feeling itchy and sneezy this time of year? From late spring to early summer, our world turns greener and brighter as trees, grass and flowers bloom – causing a collective “achoo!” Grass can cause a lot of issues for those who are allergic because it’s such a versatile allergen – it has a sticky pollen,…

Learn about why grass allergies are so bothersome...

Pink Eye or Allergies?

April 17, 2019

Whether it’s itching, burning, or redness, eye irritation is just that — irritating. Understanding what’s causing your symptoms can help you calm the redness and get back to seeing clearly. We’ve outlined the difference between pink eye and allergies, two common causes of eye irritation. Pink eye Cause: Virus or bacteria Contagious: Yes Symptoms: Pus…

Learn the differences between pink eye and allergies…

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

September 5, 2018

It’s gloomy, it can be loud, and it can ramp up your allergy and asthma symptoms. While damp conditions seem to be favorable for people with pollen allergy, a strong rain storm can actually shake up symptoms. If you experience strong allergy and asthma symptoms after a storm, you’re not alone – it’s a real allergy…

Learn how rain is helpful to those with allergies…