Sublingual Immunotherapy

Allergy Treatment for the Frequent Flyer

October 30, 2019

These days, it’s unusual to NOT be on the go. Vacationers, college kids, those who travel for work, snow birds — it’s common to be somewhere one week, another place the next. For those with allergies, treating the cause with traditional methods can be difficult, requiring frequent office visits and doctor check ins. Allergy drops…

Read more about allergy treatment for the frequent flyer…

The Hidden Costs of Allergy to Employers: How to Crack the Code

July 10, 2019

When looking at the top healthcare costs impacting employers today, allergy is typically not top of mind. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and musculoskeletal issues usually receive top billing, and are often easier to identify in employee groups. Allergy, on the other hand, is commonly hidden under related conditions and co-morbidities, making it difficult for organizations…

Learn about the hidden costs of allergy to employers...

How much are you spending on your seasonal allergies?

May 15, 2019

You stayed on budget on your spring break trip. No home improvement projects. No shopping sprees.  Where did your money disappear to this spring? Environmental allergies are more than a nuisance; they’re costly. Below are five allergy-related costs you may have contributed to this spring. Over the counter (OTC) products After a few days of…

Better understand what you’re spending on allergies…

Uncovering Allergy Testing Part 2: IgE and You

May 30, 2018

In our previous blog, we introduced the concept of blood testing (see Uncovering Allergy Testing Part 1: What Tests do I Need?). Before learning more about blood testing, I thought it was something that could easily be discussed in one paragraph, but, I was definitely wrong. It turns out blood testing is more complicated than…

Learn more about allergy blood testing…

Uncovering Allergy Testing Part 1: What Tests Do I Need?

May 16, 2018

Allergists often say that history is the biggest determinant in diagnosing a patient’s allergies.  However, specific allergy testing can also aid greatly in making the diagnosis. The La Crosse Method™ Protocol for allergy testing and treatment incorporates a variety of reproducible testing options that help the allergist get to the bottom of the allergy mystery…

Learn about allergy testing…

One doctor’s experience, and patient response, integrating allergy drops into her practice

February 21, 2018

We speak with so many clinics that use the La Crosse Method™ Protocol on a daily basis and hear stories of triumph in their allergic patients; Dr. Sezelle Gereau being one of the providers we hear from often. Dr. Gereau, an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor in New York, has been offering sublingual immunotherapy…

Hear about integrating allergy drops into a medical practice…

Immunotherapy is the Last Resort | Allergy Myth #2

November 1, 2017

With 50 million people in the U.S. having allergy, only a fraction receive treatment that actually modifies the disease – the others avoid, suffer, or take medication to temporarily relieve symptoms that don’t go away. A quick Google search will often advise that seeking immunotherapy treatment for allergy is only needed once you’ve reached the…

Get the answer to one allergy myth…

Success of Sublingual Immunotherapy Drove One Patient to Advocacy

May 17, 2017

Alex Schuman grew up allergic to almost everything… including foods. From monthly E.R. visits, to impacts on his social life, allergies were a daily factor of his childhood. Alex’s mom spent endless hours researching solutions for her son’s allergy and no treatment seemed to bring relief. Then, they found Allergy Associates of La Crosse. The…

Learn about Drop by Drop…

Tips for allergy drop adherence

November 5, 2015

The old saying rings true: Medication only works if you take it. It is hard for your medication to work if it stays in the bottle. Taking medication effectively involves collaboration between the physician, the pharmacist and the patient; one that can work beautifully as it is the start of better health, a healthier and…

Get some tips for allergy drop adherence…

Glycerin: The Ideal Diluent for Sublingual Immunotherapy Allergy Drops

September 23, 2015

Using the La Crosse Method™ Protocol at Allergychoices, we believe that a critical point of under the tongue delivery of the antigens for sublingual immunotherapy is the vehicle in which the antigens are suspended. Our nearly 45 year history with custom sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops, along with 195,000 patients and billions of treatment doses, has…

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