Sublingual Immunotherapy

Will a Nasal Spray Help My Allergies?

December 21, 2022

After suffering allergy season after allergy season, many people will offer their best piece of advice for managing your symptoms. One common recommendation is nasal sprays. This blog dives into how nasal sprays work, how they’re different than oral antihistamines, and how disease-modifying treatment can help reduce the need for symptom relievers over time. How…

Read more about nasal sprays…

How Early Eczema Treatment May Help Slow the Allergic March

March 30, 2022

You may have noticed your child’s eczema, or atopic dermatitis, symptoms before — their skin is dry, itchy, red, and swollen. Scratching only seems to make symptoms worse and your kiddo more miserable. You’ve tried topical creams, ointments, and lotions, but for some reason the symptoms keep coming and going, leaving you stumped. It probably…

Read more about early eczema treatment…

Do Your Allergies Seem to Bud with the Trees?

March 16, 2022

If you’re ready for a cold and snowy winter season to end (we may be biased here in the Midwest!), there’s nothing quite like the thought of spring, budding trees, blooming flowers, the first robin sighting, and hope for warmer days ahead. But, with budding trees comes the start of “hay fever” season. Tree pollen…

Read more about tree allergies…

What to Know About Personalized Sublingual Immunotherapy

February 16, 2022

Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. A majority of people avoid their allergens, manage their symptoms with temporary relief from over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medications, or just continue to suffer. Did you know there’s a personalized treatment to modify allergies and allergy-related chronic conditions beyond temporary relief? In this blog,…

Read more about personalized sublingual immunotherapy…

Sublingual Immunotherapy Simplified: Answers to 7 Common Questions

October 27, 2021

If you suffer from allergies, you likely feel the everyday impacts allergies can cause. We have good news — there is a safe, cost-effective, and convenient option available that might help you enjoy everyday activities and live your ideal lifestyle without worrying about allergies slowing you down. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), commonly known as allergy drops,…

Get answers to your questions about sublingual immunotherapy…

What Happens During an Allergic Reaction?

October 13, 2021

Are you one of the over 50 million Americans who experiences allergies each year? Signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from a bothersome stuffy/runny nose, sneezing, and itchy/watery eyes to a rash, difficulty swallowing and anaphylaxis. What actually happens during an allergic reaction? Is there a way to treat the cause? We’ll…

Learn about what happens during an allergic reaction…

Why it’s Important to Keep Taking Your Allergy Drops

September 15, 2021

Deciding to bite the bullet and treat the cause of your allergies instead of treating symptoms temporarily can seem like a big commitment. And while patients know the commitment when they begin allergy immunotherapy, many may experience reduced symptoms early on in treatment and are tempted to stop treatment before directed. Stopping immunotherapy (or any…

Read about the importance of taking your allergy drops…

New Research Supports Custom Allergy Drop Treatment

January 20, 2021

We’re always looking for new research about sublingual immunotherapy and related topics. In fact, twice a year we find the most up-to-date published articles and put those applicable into our bibliography. It now houses nearly 1,300 articles that have been reviewed by our Medical Advisor and author of the La Crosse Method™ Protocol, Dr. Mary…

Read more about allergy drop treatment research…

How One Doctor Changed the Narrative of What Allergy Treatment Could Be

October 14, 2020

You can’t talk about the emergence of sublingual immunotherapy in the U.S. without mentioning Dr. David Morris (1929-2017), a true innovator in allergy. When traditional allergy treatment didn’t work for his patients, he didn’t tell them to give up and live with their symptoms — he changed the narrative on what allergy treatment could and…

Read more about Dr. David Morris…

Need a Resolution? Remember to Take Your Meds

January 22, 2020

Your medications won’t work if you don’t take them — that’s not new news. But, life gets busy and unfortunately, taking your medication isn’t always at top of mind. In 2020, there are so many different ways to remind yourself to stay adherent, there’s hardly an excuse to miss your dose. Allergy drops following the…

Learn some ideas to keep you on track…