Preseasonal Allergy Treatment

For patients who suffer from strong symptoms of seasonal allergies including trees, grass, ragweed, and dust mites, preseasonal sublingual immunotherapy can provide a preseasonal "boost" to help reduce symptoms once the season begins.Are you on year-round allergy drop treatment and need a boost to get through your peak allergy season? Building tolerance takes time, and preseasonal drops could help manage your symptoms until tolerance is sustained.

Preseasonal allergy drops are a great option for those with an allergy to the following allergens, are under therapy currently, and are still seasonally symptomatic:

Eight weeks before peak allergy season, a prescription of preseasonal allergy drops is prepared. These drops contain a higher dose of the specific seasonal antigen that causes symptoms, with a goal of priming the body ahead of time so it better tolerates exposures once the season hits.

This is an add-on treatment that helps patients feel better seasonally while they continue on their every-day allergy drop treatment. Additionally, some find that their overall course of treatment is shortened after using preseasonal treatment. If you’re interested in adding another disease modifying treatment option to your allergy arsenal, ask your provider whether preseasonal allergy drops might be right for you.

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