Winter Allergies

Take a Proactive Approach to Holiday Allergy Triggers

November 16, 2016

‘Tis the season of indoor allergies! Unfortunately, 50 million Americans suffer from year-round allergies with indoor allergies spiking around the holidays. These allergy symptoms result from a wide array of triggers including decorations, food, and even added stress. Holiday decorations Trees, wreaths, and artificial holiday decorations can all increase allergy symptoms. Trees and wreaths are…

Learn about holiday allergy triggers…

Is it a Cold or is it an Allergy?

January 13, 2016

Every year around this time, a friend of mine struggles with his “annual cold.” It comes — almost like clockwork — at the same time, every year. Same symptoms — perpetual congestion, daily drip, cough, and endless sneezing fits. And it lasts far, far longer than it should. Then, again like clockwork, once the brutal…

Learn the difference between a cold and allergy…