Environmental Allergies

Can treating allergies alleviate migraine symptoms?

April 5, 2017

Migraines can make even your simplest daily tasks extremely difficult and painful. While over-the-counter medications can make your migraines more tolerable, treating your allergies may help to alleviate your migraine symptoms when an underlying allergy is a factor. Symptoms of migraines can vary from dull to severe and include: Headache Pain in face and/or neck…

Learn about the allergy/migraine connection…

Oral Allergy Syndrome: When food reactions come and go

July 13, 2016

After a long, cold winter, you are ready to go outside and enjoy the fresh, warm air. Then it hits you, seasonal allergy symptoms! Your nose is stuffy, your eyes itch, and you cannot stop sneezing. The trees outside of your house are making you miserable. So you come to terms with having to hide…

Better understand oral allergy syndrome…

The man behind the pollen counts

April 6, 2016

Ready or not, here he comes As the daily pollen counts begin to take center stage for another allergy season, we thank those whose task it is to do the painstaking work of collecting, counting, and reporting what’s in the air so allergy sufferers can plan accordingly. Tony Kavanaugh, Reference Laboratory Manager for Allergy Associates…

See behind the scenes of pollen counts…

Is it a Cold or is it an Allergy?

January 13, 2016

Every year around this time, a friend of mine struggles with his “annual cold.” It comes — almost like clockwork — at the same time, every year. Same symptoms — perpetual congestion, daily drip, cough, and endless sneezing fits. And it lasts far, far longer than it should. Then, again like clockwork, once the brutal…

Learn the difference between a cold and allergy…