Ear Infections

Why Treat Allergy Early in a Child’s Life

September 11, 2024

Parents go above and beyond to make sure their kids are healthy and safe. But, sometimes allergy in children slides through the cracks and is missed as a factor into illness – like skin rashes, infections, stomach issues, ear infections and more. By treating allergy early, it can help prevent a spiral of allergic conditions…

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3 signs you should be tested for allergy & 3 benefits of testing

February 1, 2023

To many, being tested for allergies seems like a bigger hassle than it’s worth — it can be time consuming and uncomfortable — but that’s changing. This is your sign that it may be time to rethink this notion. Below are three signs you may be a good candidate for allergy testing, and three benefits…

Read more about why you should be tested for allergies…

Tired of Recurring Ear Infections? Consider Testing For Allergy

June 10, 2020

While ear infections are most common in children, they can also occur in repeatedly in adulthood. At that point, the option of ear tubes or “growing out of it” isn’t as feasible. Where can those with chronic ear infections turn? Start by getting to the cause of the infection.  Ear infections typically don’t just appear…

Read more about recurring ear infections…

7 Signs Your Child Should See an Allergy Provider

March 4, 2020

If your child seems to be sick at the same time year after year, it may not be the back to school influx of germs or the flu bug that flies around each winter, it could be allergy. Below are seven common signs that your child should be evaluated by an allergy provider. 1. Constant…

Read about the signs your child should see an allergy provider…