Allergic Vaginitis

What You Need to Know About Candida Allergy

March 13, 2024

Before we get started, you may be simply wondering: what is candida? Valid question. Candida albicans is a healthy yeast that grows in nearly everyone. It’s typically harmless and grows on mucous membranes in the sinuses, throat, intestine, and genital tract. The only time it becomes a little more harmful than harmless is when individuals…

Learn about candida overgrowth and allergy...

Suffering from Chronic Vaginitis: Could it be Allergy?

November 15, 2017

A recurring topic on this blog dives into how allergy doesn’t always look like allergy. It’s one of the marvels in the allergy world and is something that keeps allergists and patients alike on their toes. Dr. George Kroker, partner at Allergy Associates of La Crosse and an author of the La Crosse Method™ Protocol,…

Learn about the allergy / chronic vaginitis connection…