From Allergy Nurse to Patient
About 4 to 5 years ago, my allergies really began acting up and I was suffering from a number of allergy-related illnesses. It seemed as though every little cold would turn into a sinus infection. I would be diagnosed with bronchitis a few times each year which eventually worsened into asthmatic symptoms. I felt like I was constantly taking antibiotics for my illnesses and missing work.
Then I began a new nursing venture in the allergy field. I began learning more about allergy drop treatment after a few short months. After one last bout of severe illness which resulted in taking prednisone for six weeks, I decided that was enough. I began taking the allergy drops.
Early on, I continued taking symptom relieving allergy medications to help get me through the first allergy season. Within a few months, I was able to discontinue all other medications. Even more amazing, I have not had a single sinus infection or bronchitis episode since I began the allergy drops. From my own experience, I feel confident in helping educate more patients about this wonderful treatment option.
Sharon, Allergy Nurse in TX