What kind of side effects can I expect from taking allergy drops following the La Crosse Method Protocol?

People taking a dose of their allergy drop medicationMost patients do not report side effects, but some may report minor mouth itching or stomach upset — especially when beginning treatment or as prescription strength increases. Most reactions resolve themselves on their own, or with antihistamines. Report symptoms lasting more than an hour to your doctor.

Rarely, generalized reactions may occur, including:

  • Mild to moderate urticaria (hives) with rash, swelling or itching on more than one part of the body. This typically occurs within minutes of taking a dose.
  • Angioedema has not been reported using this protocol but has been reported rarely with other protocols. Symptoms include swelling of the ears, tongue, lips, throat, intestines, hands, and feet — alone or in any combination. This may occasionally be accompanied by asthma symptoms and may progress to anaphylactic shock. The primary danger lies in suffocation from airway swelling. Angioedema may occur within minutes of taking a dose and requires immediate medical attention.
  • Anaphylactic shock, the rarest complication, has not been reported using this protocol but has rarely occurred using other protocols. Symptoms include acute asthma, low blood pressure, unconsciousness, and potentially death. If you have a history of these reactions, your provider will require you to have an epinephrine injector available when taking your drops.