How long will I need to take my drops?

Most patients take three allergy drop doses daily for 3-5 years, but it varies according to the severity of the allergies, seasonality, and how well they stick to treatment.

Many patients see symptoms improve within a few weeks to months but need to keep using the drops through the full course of therapy to get long-term benefit.

For some patients with complex health conditions or severe allergy, treatment length may vary.

Treatment doses are adjusted over time based on your specific test results and response rather than a one-size-fits-all treatment approach. This personalized way of matching your dose — uniquely to you — helps you build tolerance without unnecessarily increasing your risk of reactions.

Allergy drops work in 3 phases:

Phase 1: Initial Oral Tolerance (0-3 months)

During this phase, your body adjusts to treatment and symptoms can improve. Those with minor oral itching will see it decrease as tolerance begins.

Phase 2: Symptom Relief (3 months-2 years)

As symptoms decrease, your body is taking steps toward changing your allergen tolerance. You might feel tempted to stop your treatment because you feel better, but don’t. By continuing treatment, your body can learn long-term tolerance.

Phase 3: Long-term Tolerance (2-5 years*)

As symptoms continue to improve, your body increases its allergy tolerance. This long-term learning is needed for you to stay symptom-free long after treatment is done.

*Depending upon the severity of your allergies, your provider will monitor, adjust, and retest to determine the final length of treatment which varies between patients.